Wordpress blog posts url extractor
Wordpress blog posts url extractor

wordpress blog posts url extractor

On other hand, when I tried to apply same code on every post by pasting below function in theme's functions.php and call it so my server got halted because of lot of httpd requests and mysql also went down until I remove this code and clear cache to normalize my server.Ĭode added in theme's functions. I'm able to do this but I have stuck in a condition when I used below function + code on custompage it works fine. For example, you may wish to start scraping authors of blog posts. You can also introduce your next blog post here, where you will be talking about some particular topic. The title of the post could be Welcome to my blog or My first blog post.

wordpress blog posts url extractor

wp-admin/tools.phppageextract-all-urls-settings methodPOST>. Tell your readers who you are, what motivated you to blog, and what you will write. WordPress Security Vulnerability - Export All URLs < 4.3 - Private/Draft.

wordpress blog posts url extractor

I found and compile a code so I can retrieve first matching url from my wordpress posts and echo results where necessary. The extraction is performed on the static HTML returned from URLs crawled by the. In your first post, you can take a moment and introduce yourself.

Wordpress blog posts url extractor